1. Registration fee of PKR 1000/- is to be paid before you get any client details. So if you have not paid it, please do not insist.
2. All English Language Tuitions, Home or Online will be charged a 35% commission from the first month fee.
3. All Home tuitions will be charged a 40% commission from the first month fee.
4. All online tuitions will be charged a 50% commission from the first month fee.
5. Any online tuition with less than (Or equal to) 6000 fee will be charged a 40% commission from the first month fee.
6. No tuition will be given after 2 unsuccessful demos in a month.
7. Once the contact number of the client is given to you, you’re supposed to inform us within 2 hours. Unless there’s any emergency.
Failing to do so, the tuition will be given to the next tutor available.
8. For online tuitions, you’re supposed to teach on zoom/google meet, use digital writing pads or have other resources available such as PowerPoint presentations.
No exceptions or excuses allowed
9. Academy will collect the first month fee, if any tutor collects the fee without our knowledge or try to deceive us, we have the right to take necessary actions against you.
10. You can apply on 2 Tuitions at one time, maximum 7 tuitions in a month.
Successful conversion of tuition will add one more opportunity to apply in that month.